We are proud to have helped amazing people be more strategic about their parental leave management. Get inspired by some examples of what we have done for others.
Parental Leave Network
VÆRDBAR facilitates the internal parental leave network at Horten Law Firm and provided strategic advise to HR-management on content and form of the network.
An internal parental leave network is an excellent way to connect with your employees on leave and keep them involved and in the loop.
Want to know more about how a parental leave network can make a positive impact at your workplace?
Dialogue tools for the parental leave process
VÆRDBAR delivered dialogue tools for managers and employees to ensure a data-driven approach on what expectations to align between managers and employees - and how to time the dialogue to create trust and psychological safety.
Parental leave alignement is a crucial part of good parental leave management - and VÆRDBAR data shows that when done the right way, it can improve your retention of employees during and after their leave with 50%.
Could you benefit from improving your parental leave process?
Workbook for managers on parental leave dilemmas
VÆRDBAR collaborated closely with K&L on finding and understanding concrete cases on where it was difficult for managers to handle parental leave. Everyday situations that are relatable for people within K&L and that reflects their reality.
The workbook was used by managers to discuss issues, challenges, biases surrounding parental leave in K&L, and the opportunities in doing better on parental leave for both managers and employees - and how that supports K&L overall goals on diversity and inclusion.
Curious to know how a workbook could look at your workplace?